
Primary Milestones

The main goal of this phase is to prove the team's capabilities initially by delivering an exceptionally useful product. Followed by delivering additional industry-leading trading tools and establishing the stage for future tokenomics.

Goal 1 - Proving team's capabilities:

Having no public history in the community, We took it as our responsibility to first prove our capabilities on our funding and bootstrap the Industry-leading Alpha Tools in the next 30 days.

While tools in the current market took months and even years to evolve. Taking on such a complex project to outdo them and making it happen in under 30 days was an extreme challenge.

After over a month of sleepless nights and a lot of caffeine, here we are presenting Digital Game.

Goal 2 - Digital Game planet NFT Mint

Digital Game is a utility-focused project. Before diving deep into the Roadmap, let's quickly go over the basic information:

  1. Total Supply of Digital Game planets is 9999 nft.

  2. The ability to use the planet you bought in the upcoming game.

  3. Access to beta testing followed by guaranteed rewards.

Goal 3 - Digital Game robot NFT Mint

This is a very important part of our project, since without robots you will not be able to play our p2e game, so let's go through the basic information.

  1. Total Supply of Digital Game planets is 9999 nft.

  2. New coin ICO.

  3. Opportunity to use your robots in battles against other players in the online mode of the upcoming game.

Game release - the launch of the game and the beginning of the era of the first p2e game on the Aptos network

  1. Our community will be fully involved in improving our product.

  2. DAO launch.

  3. Creating more new game mechanics.

Last updated